Rocky Mountain Goat

Animal Details

Common Name
Mountain Goat
Scientific Name
Oreamnos americanus
Least Concern
Geographic Range
Native to southeastern Alaska, Washington, western Montana and central Idaho. Have been introduced to parts of South Dakota, and Colorado
Life Span
12 - 15 years
1 to 3 Kids

Meet The Animal

Mountain goats live at elevations few other animals can inhabit, meaning they have few natural predators. Their main predator is the golden eagle, who will fly in to snatch baby mountain goats off of steep ledges. Mountain goats are not true goats; they are more accurately described as a goat-antelope.

Their Behavior

They have cloven hooves with two toes that spread wide to improve balance and rough pads on the bottom of each toe that help provide grip.

Did You Know?

Male goats are called “billies,” female goats are called “nannies,” and baby goats are called “kids.” 

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Rocky Mountain Goats

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